Integrated Solution with off line data synchronization for Retail Pharma Industry

The client is a retail pharma company that was in need of a solution that can help them in having clear visibility of their all branches.

Problem statement

They had POS placed in 18 branches located in three different countries Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania re meant for cash sale of medicines. The POS don’t have regular internet access and and the company finds difficulty in having consistent data synchronization that would get resulted in ineffective reports.

Advantages to the clients

  • Complete visibility of cash flow and stock round the clock
  • Zero space for theft and crime
  • Operational excellence as the full featured on premises application automated the end to end operations of the client company


After thoughtful analyses team Nutec decided to develop a client specific on
premises application + A mobile application.
  • The application was installed at the server placed at premises of Kenya Head Office (Kenya Head Office Server). Uganda and Tanzania’s head office made connected to Kenya server.
  • Individual Branch Office Server (BOS) were installed at All other branches in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to work on their own.
  • All the data input Masters were implemented and controlled at Kenya Head Office Server. The other head office could be maintaining those Masters. The Masters are transferred to each individual branch office server. Automated periodical data sync enabled between each Branch Office Server and Kenya Head Office Server by utility service.
  • All other transactions like Stock Request (Branch Transfer Indent), Stock Receipt (Branch Receipt), Local Purchase, Local Expenses etc are punched at Kenya Head Office Server and stock information data will be synced to Branch Office Server
  • All the transaction are drawn at individual Country head office directly on Kenya head office’s server (On line)
  • All reports are available on Kenya head Office Server where the client has an option to have individual branch report or consolidated reports for selected branches or country wise report where all branches will be consolidated under selected Head Office
  • The mobile application is connected to Kenya Head Office Server and the user can punch the order using the mobile application. Additionally, the user is able to access basic reports such as customer wise outstanding, stock availability, individual order status for dispatches etc.